Student Presentations (Conferences)
Nikolaos Delkis and Kalliope K. Papadopoulou (2022). Genome editing toolkit of endophytic Fusarium solani strain K using CRISPR/Cas9. 9th International Conference of MIKROBIOKOSMOS, 16-18 December, Athens, Greece.
Chatziangelou M., Begoli RE , Stampouloglou E., Giakountis A. (2022) “Functional Analysis of the regulation and role of lncRNAs in gastric carcinogenesis” 13th Congress of the Panhellenic Union of Bioscientists, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Chatziangelou M., Begoli RE, Langke M., Giakountis A. (2022), “Investigating the oncogenic role of lncRNAs in gastric cancer” 172th conference of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Patra, Greece
Εvgenia Koukara, Loukia-Maria Kellari, Costas Garagounis, Magdalini Tsitsikli, Nikolaos Delkis, Kalliope K. Papadopoulou “Development of a CRISPR/Cas9 system to study interactions of Lotus japonicus with beneficial microbes”, CEPLAS/IPK summer school 2022: Translational Plant Biodiversity Research, Kloster Steinfeld, Kall-Steinfeld, Germany.
Dalakouras A., Katsaouni A., Avramidou M., Tsiouri O., Dadami E., Makris A., Georgopoulou M. E., Vasileiadis, S., & Papadopoulou, K. K. (2021). A beneficial endophytic fungus delivers RNAi molecules to plants. 9th International Conference of MIKROBIOKOSMOS, 16-18 December, Athens, Greece.
Lange M, Giakountis A. (2021) “Characterizing the oncogenic role of the lncRNA Gracile2 in gastric cancer” Noncoding RNA World: From Mechanism to Therapy (Hybrid in Basel-Switzerland)
M. Kyrgiafini, M. Markantoni, T. Giannoulis, A. Chatziparasidou, N. Christoforidis, Z. Mamuris (2021). Sperm Bioenergetics: Polymorphism analysis and association of glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) genes with male infertility. International MSc Molecular Biomedicine Webinar “Novel Approaches in Biomedical Sciences”.
Garagounis C, Delkis N., Papadopoulou K.K. (2020) Development of a modular Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) biosensor for high-throughput screening of metabolite binding domains. Plant Biology 2020 Worldwide Summit 27-31 July (ASPB)
M. Tsitsikli. Participation in The Onassis Foundation Science Lecture Series in BIOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY (2019) on “Genome Editing”, Heraklion, Crete, Greece.
See also: Student Publications